Welcome to The Vale Academy’s pages for Year 6 students. At The Vale we provide a safe and vibrant learning environment for all our students. Our ethos is summed up by The Vale Way which underpins everything we do:
Principle 1 – Academic Achievement
Principle 2 – Join in, join in.
Principle 3 – Community
We know that transferring from primary school can be an anxious time, but we will do all we can to help you settle in quickly. Our students and staff will help you with any questions you may have so please ask if you are concerned about anything. We have outstanding student guidance and support as we want you to be happy and to do well.

Our students and staff are proud to be part of The Vale and we want you to join us and be part of The Vale community.
If you are entitled to local authority transport to The Vale Academy, you need to apply for a place on a bus via the North Lincs website. The link to apply for the travel pass page is:
As well as visiting you in your primary schools we will be contacting your teachers to get relevant information to inform our teaching and tutor groups as well as getting information from you about your favourite subjects, hobbies and interests as well as who is in your friendship groups
Year 7 – Your First Year
There will be a number of important dates and activities in your first year at The Vale.
Settling In Evening – Towards the end of the first half term you and your parents will meet with your tutor to check that you have settled in to The Vale well. It will give you the opportunity to raise and issues or ask any questions you may have. You will also get some feedback from your tutor as to how well the academy feels you have begun your time as a Vale student.
Record of Achievement –– twice a year you will receive a record of achievement report which will give you an assessment result and effort grade for each of your subjects .
Parents’ Evening – Towards the end of the year you will be invited to attend a parents’ evening where you will get the opportunity to make appointments with your teachers to discuss the progress you are making and how you have been working in each of your individual subjects.
End of Year Exams – Students in every year group undertake formal examinations in all their subjects starting in Year 7. These will test your knowledge and understanding of the work you have done throughout the year and help you to prepare for your GCSE examinations at the end of Year 11. The results of your Year 7 Exams will be reported home.
Trips and Visits –There are numerous trips and visits for Year 7 students, including a visit to see a pantomime. Some of you will get the opportunity to visit our outdoor learning centre at Dallowgill in Yorkshire.
Extra-Curricular Activities – There are many activities for Year 7 students to get involved with outside of lessons including sporting activities, music and drama festivals and performances, production, Horrible Histories Club, Minecraft Club and Chess Club to name a few.

Year 5, 6 and 7 Events
We look forward to welcoming many primary students to our academy in order to take part in a variety of activities.
- After School Badminton
- Indoor Athletics Event
- Vale Bake Off
- Primary Maths challenge
- Primary Literacy Challenge
- Year 5 Taster Days
- Year 5 Science Day
- Year 6 Open Evening