The CEIAG (Careers Education Information Advice Guidance) provision has been designed to positively support pupils to acquire the educational, social and employability skills necessary for lifelong success in a diverse and changing world of work. Our careers programme is developed in conjunction with our partners at Progress Careers. We awaiting assessment for the Prospects Quality Award in CEIAG. This award recognises the high quality of the careers provision at the academy. The Prospects award meets the exacting validation criteria of the national Quality in Careers Standard and stands for 3 years. The initial feedback from the assessor was very positive about the variety of opportunities and experiences that are on offer to our students.
CEIAG information is primarily delivered to all students within the EPC programme and dedicated drop down days. The CEIAG day dovetails with our annual careers fair, where an extensive and growing number of providers from a broad range of sectors come in to speak to all students from each year group. Alongside this a range of careers focused activities throughout the day add to the experience.
We also invite professionals into school to speak to our learners about the world of work, or academia. Some run workshops or activity sessions while others describe their role or their journey within their particular area of expertise. Again a range of related activities take place to enhance the experience.
In addition to this, year 11 students receive extensive support when applying for their post-16 place of study. Internal staff and external partners work with students, helping them to research the career or learning pathways they find of interest. We then support them while they complete their application. We have a growing range of post-16 destinations illustrating the personalised provision delivered to our students.
Each pupil receives at least one face-to-face meeting with a careers adviser from our partners at Progress Careers. This process starts in year 10 and continues into year 11. Students highlighted at risk of becoming NEET, those with an EHCP or those who are disadvantaged will receive additional sessions to help ensure their pathway to post-16 education is suitable and well considered. Group sessions are run for students requiring additional guidance about pathways through university or apprenticeships.
All pupils sign up to Start Uxplore. This innovative careers guidance software helps young people make better, more informed choices about their career path. Pupils are given the opportunity to personalise their experience by completing a profile about themselves. This includes adding information about their interests and skills and helps pupils to research the job market so they can find out who is recruiting locally for the jobs that they are interested in.
CEIAG is clearly having a significant impact on the students at The Vale Academy. Alongside the improved academic outcomes it is allowing students to aspire to a higher level of post-16 course or place of study. In 2021 76% of students went on to study a Level 3 course, significantly higher than in previous years. A growing number are also choosing to study more academic subjects at Post 16. This will clearly impact on their life chances and improve their ability to succeed in the changing labour market.
The CEIAG – (Careers Education Information Advice Guidance) provision in a Delta Academy has been designed to positively support you to acquire the educational, social and employability skills necessary for lifelong success in a diverse and changing world of work. Our Careers Programme is personalised to the academy in conjunction with our partners at progress-careers.co.uk.
Careers Education is provided though:
- Subject Lessons – Information and discussions with a subject specific focus to help you make decisions about careers based on subject knowledge and transferable skills.
- Tutorials, Assemblies & EPC Lessons – Discussions and resources about the local market information, growth job sectors and
- Step Up Days – Events such as employability days
Information, Advice & Guidance is provided through:
- Careers Cafes & Careers Fairs – Employers, Colleges and Universities will visit the school on a regular basis to talk to you about their industry and how to train and qualify for roles in that sector.
- Results Service – a team of advisers will be able to talk through your needs on results day to help you confirm your intended destination.
- Qualified 1-2-1 Guidance – You also have access to a qualified careers advisor, who will provide confidential and impartial advice to students on the information they have received or to help guide students to make fully informed decisions.
- Planning for the future – if you have a career idea but want to find out the best route for you or if you have no career ideas our advisers can help you create career ideas around your interests and skills.
- GCSE & A Level Options – Choosing your options and what would best suit you.
- Apprenticeships – Finding work or an apprenticeship, including job hunting techniques including mock interviews.
- Higher Education – Reviewing the options and planning the 14-19 journey.
- Parents Evenings – Access to careers advisers in a variety of ways including individual meetings, drop-in sessions, enrichment activities, parents and option evenings and on results days.
- Technology – Information and updates will also be available on notice boards, plasma screens and the websites.
Careers Contacts
Careers Leader: Mr Graham West
Email: westg@valeacademy.org.uk
- Telephone: 01652 294511
Careers Adviser: Kim Gough
- Email: GoughK@valeacademy.org.uk
- Telephone: 01652 294511
- Availability: Thursdays
General Enquires and Provider Access
Please contact the Careers Leader or use the contact details below
- Email: info@valeacademy.org.uk
- Telephone: 01652 294511