Last Day Arrangements
Good Morning – Please find below the arrangements for the last day of term- Friday 21st July.
Pupils will be celebrating their achievements with an alternative timetable for the day.
Students will be taking part in a festival to raise money for our partner school in Dowa, Benin and for some activities we will ask for a small donation to take part. (If students would like to support this we would appreciate it if they would bring their money in coins rather than notes).
There will also be a tombola to raise funds towards a memorial for Alan Williams (former caretaker) which we hope students would like to contribute to.
There will also be an optional non uniform or PE Kit with a charge of £1 to the same cause. Included in the festival will be opportunities to take part in sporting activities and an inflatable assault course students must be dressed in appropriate clothing to take part in these activities.
Lunch will still be provided as normal.
The school will be closing at the earlier time of 1.30pm. Students who make their own way to school will be able to leave at 1.30pm. We have arranged for the 401, 417,418 and 421 buses to pick the students up at 1.30pm.
Unfortunately, the 403, 405 and 422S buses are not able to come at 1.30pm due to being shared with other schools and will pick up at the usual time of 3.10pm, we will provide students with activities for the afternoon session for those that have to wait for the shared buses. All taxis have been ordered for 1.30pm
We are looking forward to an enjoyable day to finish up the summer term and wish you all an enjoyable summer break when it arrives.
Thank you