Y11 Transition

As part of our Year 11 transition programme, we deliver a range of hands-on activities and interactive sessions during the autumn term to provide our Year 11 students with detailed information relating to the variety of post-16 opportunities and pathways open to them.

In particular, we hold a “taster day” to enable students to experience first-hand what it is like to be a member of The Vale Academy Sixth Form. This includes a highly successful “Sixth Former for a Day” event, which involves students participating in A-Level style taster lessons and a Sixth Form Study Skills session linked to our academic mentoring programme. Students also spend time in the Sixth Form block and make use of the Common Room facilities.

In the summer term, students who have expressed an interest in joining The Vale Academy Sixth Form, are invited to an event which aims to prepare them smooth progression into the sixth form.

We look forward to working with both our own Year 11 students and external entrants to continue our proud tradition of success.

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